Village of the Damned (1995)

Emmy says:
I originally watched this when I was around 12 and one image had lodged itself in my brain, the rest of was forgotten. This time around I remembered things moments before they happened and found myself cringing in anticipation. This movie still packs quite a punch and is very enjoyable for the thriller it is. Just one question: how do you find child actors this good? 8/10

Jeff says:
I knew about this film, and the plot, but had never seen it. A discussion on John Carpenter films led to the rectification of this oversight. The acting from the children is incredible (Mara and David at any rate), the adults were less compelling. Many aspects left unexplained (how did the village put up with the children for so long, or did they grow abnormally fast?) Visual effects were essentially what to expect from the mid-90s. Interested to see/read/hear what the 1957 novel (‘The Midwich Cuckoos’) was like. 7/10.